connection parenting conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting self care May 30, 2021
The days passed and Celeste saw the shifts occurring.
They started within herself, with how she was being and then rippled out through her children and her family.
Life felt so much better, she felt so much more confident, less insecure of others, less confused at all the information out there.
It was subtle but noticeable
More and more, she caught soft whispers moving within her. Her Inner truth whispering to her.
It wasn't in her head, it was deeper, moving through her body. The voice that felt so deeply true, in her core
and when she caught its words and moved from this place everything flowed. Everything felt easier, it felt right.
She practiced listening to it in as many moments she remembered, she'd begun a quest to know her truth in each moment and to bring her actions into alignment with it.
But the whisper was still so soft and often she couldn't hear it at all!
She was still tired... exhausted really.
She felt like large chunks of her lay dormant, unexpressed and fading away, leaving her feeling drained and one dimensional.
and yet she didn't buy into the whole "me time" and weekly spa dates with friends. Nor the endless quest for babysitters so she could escape her children.
She wanted to experience life with them, she wanted them to experience life with her.
She just didn't want it to feel quite so exhausting.
So, where did this leave her?
She needed something to shift - but what?
How could she keep the energy coming in so she could give it out to her children day in and day out?
She remembered the email she'd received.
The journal pages from that book, and the sender.
She would reach out again - and so she did.
and so came a reply
Dear Celeste,
Self-Care is an ongoing journey with a complex navigation for any mother.
It's best approached with some Consciousness and Intention.
And it's definitely something that you need!
You do need replenishing, you do need energy coming in to meet the level you want to be giving to your children.
Energy moves ~ you send it out and it must in turn flow in ~ like the tide to replenish you so you can send it out again.It is a rhythm that runs entwined with the vision you hold for how you want to be in relationship with your children.
Two twines in the rope that makes up your experience of motherhood.
Finding a way for both to support each other makes sense, the more they can work together, the more both benefit and flourish. They need to at least get along in harmony.
I see 2 sides of the self-care coin
There is In-The-Moment-Self-Care, and there is your Sacred Recharge...
Both are covered with in the pages of the Heart Book.
But after reading your email I think these pages from it will be of most support.
It invites you to create your own In-the-Moment self care poster.
In the moment self-care is preventative, stopping you from ever getting seriously depleted. It can account for 70-80% of your self care needs and you don't have to disengage from your children to do it.
Oh, and it feels amazing!
The key is to listen to your Inner Truth again :-)
To ask yourself two simple but very powerful questions
What am I feeling right now?
Given that, what do I truly want? What would feel so good in this moment?
and listen for the YES deep within. Your Inner Wisdom knows how to bring Self Care into each moment with your children no matter how full and colorful those moments may be.
Its explained more in the attachment.
Much love
With Tilly napping and the older kids happily playing (Yes! happily for the moment) Celeste dove into the attachment
and like the last email she felt a sense of expansion, of freedom, of more joy rushing in.
Each little In-the-moment Self Care practice she did was like a little burst of nourishment. An injection of joy, or space, or comfort depending on whatever was needed.
Her poster had an answer for everything and it was created by her!
Everyone started noticing, especially her children. She was more relaxed, she smiled more, she allowed more joy in.
She wanted to share it out more too - how could she share this, gift this to her family? and how could her family gift it to her if they wanted to?
She wanted to strengthen the sense of caring in her family, strengthen the bonds and connection.
Something to ponder?
Perhaps another email to send
But for now she'll pop on her favorite song and move to the music as she cooks dinner.
Much Love,
Lisa and Kaya
P.S You might want to go get your own copy of those attachments right about now :)
P.P.S Send us an email ([email protected]) and let us know, does it seem possible for you to bring In-The-Moment Self Care into your busy days together with your children?
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.