conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting holding space speaking your truth Jun 01, 2021
Kaya and I have coached a lot of mothers over the years now. So many gorgeous mothers wanting to be the best they can be for their children. These women are smart, thoughtful, devoted, conscious women, and to be honest they are already good mothers (even when they think they aren't).
But they often feel like they aren't doing well enough, that they are broken and possibly damaging their children because of it. Many of them have a well composed list of things they'd like to "fix" within themselves that would make them a better mother. They want to be more patient, more playful, more engaged, better able to handle conflict calmly. They want to be less critical, love more unconditionally, be more organised, and say what they mean without being triggered.
AND I get that, I understand it, I related to it. I can still, even now catch my own self-talk from time to time saying I'm not doing enough, or I'm not doing it well enough. That I'm letting my children down, falling short.
These goals we have to improve ourselves, these things we want to change often reflect our deepest values as a mother. If I feel I'm not engaging enough with my children enough it is often because I have a deeply held, sacred value around strong connection in my relationships.
If I can hear this voice within me telling me I'm not engaged enough, I'm not present enough, if I can hear it as a voice whose sole job it is to hold me to my deepest heart held values, then I can hear it as something different to the critic who belittles me. I can hear it as an advisor holding me to my values with single minded purpose, and I can actually thank it for doing so.
I can also form a new relationship with that voice given this understanding so that I can receive it's message in a way that feels better and more supportive to me. I can build a more loving relationship with that part of myself.
Because ultimately having walked this path of self development myself for over 25 years and having also supported women on a similar path for many years, I can tell you that the greatest tool for your transformation is not improving or fixing yourself, it is loving yourself.
Self Love is a powerful, potent force that heals profoundly. Self compassion, self acceptance, all other flavours of self love, allow you to soften into who you are. These tools are the doors to stepping into fuller versions of yourself.
Focusing on fixing ourselves is sending us the message that we are broken and not enough. It keeps us feeling crap.
Loving ourselves and honouring ourselves, even as we choose to make new choices, even as we seek to move into new directions, supports us. It allows us to create spaces for deep self-healing while not getting stuck there.
There is no such thing as perfection. If you wait to love yourself until you are the perfect mother, you will wait forever.
I invite you to start offering yourself more self-compassion, more self-acceptance and ultimately more self-love even as you seek to expand into newer versions of yourself.
Love is the fuel that moves you forward, love moves all relationships forward, the ones with your children, the world around you, and the one with yourself.
Love creates momentum, potential, possibility, and ultimately magic.
It lights us both up to work with mothers who are ready to courageously and deeply love themselves, celebrate themselves and honour themselves into expansion. Mothers who are ready to follow the path of self love (instead of 'self improvement')... ready to discover that it leads them where they want to go (and even more!).
If you are ready to step onto the path of Self Love as a tool to being the fullest and most expansive, loving mother you can be- then we would also love to connect with you.
And if it is the right time for you, we'd love to have you in our Womb Space Coaching Program (,
we are beginning a new round in just a few weeks time and have 4 spaces left in the circle.
Check out the page here-
and contact us for a deep dive into self love (through a coaching conversation) through the form at the bottom of the page-
so, so, so much LOVE
Thank you so much!
And so much love to you in this new and wondrous moment of possibilities and new choices.
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.