connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting inner truth intuition self care May 31, 2021
Hidden within even your darkest, most appalling parenting moments... is a GIFT
It's not just any gift, it holds immense power and it's a gift that you most need.
Finding it and claiming it is key to so much of the change you long to make in your parenting and your whole experience of motherhood.
The thing is, the first step in finding it is to change your relationship with the dark, shitty, appalling moments that've had you feel full of self blame, shame and guilt.
As long as you continue to lose yourself in blame, shame and guilt each time you make a parenting mistake...
As long as you make yourself so wrong in those moments you lose it and do something appalling...
As long as you wish those shameful moments away and hide them from the rest of the world
You will continue to keep that gift well and truly hidden from yourself AND you will continue to make those mistakes and do those appalling things in those shameful moments.
The first step in finding the gift is to be with the shit,
be honest with yourself about it (without making yourself wrong)
and acknowledge that the shit is also a part of you-
it is NOT ALL OF YOU but it is a part of you
(remember that everyone has has their own shit and you really don't have more than others)
(and trust that within the shit, lies a gift...
even if you doubt that could be possible in your case)
When you get to the point where you don't shrink and shudder at claiming (to yourself and others) that you can be ______
{violent}, {selfish}, {out of control}, {neglectful}, {manipulative}, {tyrannical}, {permissive}, {sadistic}, {masochistic}, {manipulative}, {dishonest}, {addicted}, {checked out}, {greedy}, {vain}, {obsessive}
(You choose the ones you most want to cut right out of yourself)
When you can OWN YOUR SHADOWS...
Only then can you begin to discover the gift inside it.
And only then will you realise how much you have needed that gift to be a well rounded parent, mother, woman and human being.
Only then will you realise that the gift not only helps you meet your needs, it helps you meet your child's needs too...
in a much deeper way than you could have even imagined possible before you went through that process of claiming and welcoming the shit and finding the gift within.
Shadow work is powerful stuff,
and it is especially powerful in motherhood because mothers place so much expectation on ourselves and make ourselves so wrong for not meeting them (hence pushing the shadows down further and further and making sure the gifts are far from accessible).
We have supported so many mothers into claiming their shadows and finding the gifts within
and EVERY SINGLE TIME it is transformational and incredibly liberating.
If you are ready to liberate yourself from the shadows and OWN YOUR LIGHT AND YOUR POWER.. then we are honoured to share an invitation with you-
You are invited to a FREE Goddess reawakening session with Lisa or I. We’ll explore and discover the next steps you uniquely need to take to thrive (and to share that thriving with your children).
Our work is enlivening and expansive and also deep, healing and transformational. It is you if you are really ready to step up and way more into your own divine power (and if you are you’ll feel it in your bones and we would be honoured to meet with you!)
Love Kaya
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.