connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting inner truth intuition self care May 31, 2021
So here's the deal lovely woman,
Motherhood is A LOT more than parenting.
Yes, motherhood is a role you have, a duty you perform, a holy task, it changes you radically, how you see the world, what's important to you.
Yes, it offers you a deep fertile ground for a ridiculous amount of personal growth, of expanding, of letting go. Our children and the acts of motherhood will do that whether you embrace that aspect of motherhood consciously or not.
But motherhood also includes:-
How do I find myself in all of this?
How do I find some sense of balance in all the areas of my life?
How do I reclaim me? Who even is me?
How do I know what is really true for me, what I need and want?
How do I create wholeness in my life?
How do I navigate burn out?
....and how do I do any or all of this WHILE I raise my beautiful children to the best of my ability so that they grow happy, healthy and whole.
Every year Kaya and I (Lisa) run a small intimate high level circle, one of exquisite sisterhood woven in unconditional support and love for each other (
One where every woman is free to bring any and all of themselves over and over to be held and supported as they navigate ALL the facets of their lives.
Within this circle Kaya and I teach and coach.
Within this circle we show these women how to truly create a deep supportive sisterhood.
Within this circle the universal story of the mother is heard in each other over and over, and we realise we are all in this together.
Within this circle miracles happen over and over again.
... and women set themselves free.
We teach the women in our circle how to be in a deep and connected relationship with themselves.
How to hear, understand and love themselves.
How to get clarity on what is true for them, what they need, what the want and what they long for.
We coach them back to their own truth in a multitude of different facets of their lives over and over again.
We teach them to come home to themselves.
and magic happens all over the place in their lives...
in all their relationships
in the way they see the world
in the way they see themselves
in the way they show up as mothers for their children AND themselves
in the way they make choices
in the way they find balance for everything
in the way they move through their day.
What might surprise you is that in all of these circles over the year it's not often that women directly bring a parenting issue to the circle!! - and yet the way they parent changes dramatically often.
What these women bring is themselves, because it is here in this space that they are welcomed fully to come as they are. To be accepted with whatever they bring.
They are always more than enough in the eyes of their sisters. Here is the space for them to be fully heard and held no matter what. Here in this space their is no fear of judgement. There is no advice giving between sisters only love and support.
Circle sits at level that is so different to a mainstream parenting groups it's not even remotely the same thing.
Kaya and I believe that Motherhood is one of the most powerful places of change agency on the planet.
We also believe that mothers need to be supported to come into THEMSELVES.
To step into the highest versions of the THEMSELVES. To know and love themselves, to be able to be clearly guided by THEIR OWN TRUTH.
That this is the work of supporting a mother to raise her children in love and wholeness, to raise the next generation of the planet to do better than the previous generation.
It is the whole woman who enters into the act of motherhood, who takes on this duty, AND it is the whole woman who must be supported and nurtured so she may actually carry out this role.
Womb Space is not about how to make bedtimes easier or how to stop siblings fighting (though you are welcome to bring that to circle if its current and important to you).
It is about finding
...because when you do that you will realise you have everything you need WITHIN YOU (including the answers on any parenting issue that is in your path at the moment).
Womb Space 2017 starts in a few weeks (
Are you curious? Did you feel something within you rise up as you read these words?
Maybe YOU are one of my sisters this year in circle! - and if you are I am calling you forwards NOW.
The only thing you need to do right now is message us and ask to connect with either Kaya or I for a full gifted coaching session.
Why do we do this? Because this circle is special. It requires you to fully experience what its like to be coached by us, and it requires us to connect with you and get to know you a little.
You can bring anything you like to your session and we will have a full coaching conversation around it. You might not even be sure what you are going to bring but you know you want to explore what it might be like to be coached by us this year, what it might be like to be part of this circle. After that if any of us want to we can talk about Womb Space.
The circle is forming.
It will be life changing -and I can say that because I hear that over and over again from every circle every year. You can read about the stories here.
If there is even a small part of you wondering if you are a part of this circle this year - send us a message and lets connect.
All our Love
Lisa (and Kaya too)
P.S You ARE worth this, your family is worth this, your life is worth this. And you are all worth it right now not sometime in the distant future. Here are the program details:
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.