connection parenting conscious parenting flow parenting inner truth self care May 30, 2021
Meet Celeste
She is wife to Dave and mother to 3 beautiful, adorable children~ Gillian, Andrew and her youngest Tilly who isn’t quite 2 yet.
She spends her days like so many stay at home mothers – Busy!
Full tilt from the moment her children wake her in the morning till the moment she conks out at night (often with Tilly asleep on top of her).
She loves her children with all her heart and soul, her top priority is being with them and raising them.
But Celeste is exhausted, and over stretched.
To quote a little hobbit, she feels too thin ~like butter spread too thinly on bread~
She worries she’s not doing the best job possible, that she’s not learning fast enough, that she screws up too often, that she might be missing something, that there is something she is or isn’t doing that is damaging her children.
She’s devoted to learning and continuing to learn what she needs to be the kind of mother she is committed to being
- But there is so much information out there – and each different perspective contradicts each other and some of it feels impossible to integrate into her reality.
She has no idea how she is going to solve the never ending fighting between Gillian and Andrew which is a daily occurrence. She’s spent hours on forums and online groups seeking out advice and her book list in amazon is impressive! – she’s already read over half of them.
There never seem to be enough hours in the day.
The enormous mountain of washing on the bed in the spare room constantly reminds her of this, silently mocking her abilities to have it all together.
Did she manage to have a meaningful connection with each child today? (not to mention with her partner)?
God, She hopes so! But parts of the day are such a blur.
She does remember an episode with Andrew with guilt and remorse.
She lost her patience and yelled at him when he accidentally spilled juice all over the floor trying to pour a drink.
She saw his small, crumpled little face as she yelled at him and inside her heart cracked.
But the words still spilled out her mouth, fueled by the same old patterns that always seem to come around and by her fatigue and the heaping pile of to-do’s that were backing up across the day.
She’s got no idea how she’ll hold on till Sat morning when Dave takes the kids out for their morning park play so she can have some time to herself.
Saturday seems an eternity away…
But Celeste’s life is about to totally transform,
Its all about to do a 180 degree turn for the better.
It’s about to become so simple,
So joyful
Its about to become the way that Celeste dreamed motherhood would be…
Over the next 12 days we’ll take you on her journey of transformation.
You will receive the gifts she receives and transform with her~ It can be YOUR journey after all.
Look out for part 2, along with some downloadable gifts in tomorrow's blog post
and let us know in the comments if you can relate to Celeste's story (you can email us anytime at [email protected]).
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.