flow parenting inner truth intuition video May 31, 2021
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This is about your BIG WHY, your core values... The values that are driving you as a mother, how you most want to show up, how you most want to be known by your children and by others.
Because we’re tapping into such core values, they won’t just be around your mothering, they will be applicable to your whole life, they will be your driving reminder, your driving messages in life.
It’s great to know yours because its a really powerful in the moment practice to recall what fuels you, to recall a simple word or phrase that anchors you and brings you into alignment with your truth.
Your values are already sitting there, they represent who you want to be as a mother and in all of life and you’re already striving for them...
To bring them to your conscious awareness allows you to align to them in the moment.
In those moments when you feel like you’re not doing enough as a mother, like you didn’t say the right thing or do the right thing, you can get lost in all those strategies and techniques that you’ve crammed into your mama’s mind and it can get pretty overwhelming.
So to drop back to a single word, a value, an intention is so grounding.
To drop back to that big WHY and ask yourself-
How am I implementing this in this moment?
This is so much simpler and so much more freeing and empowering than trying to replay all the possible strategies.
Another way we have of describing your big WHY is to see them as your Touchstones.
Thats the one to five keywords or values that represent who you want to be and how you want to show up, no matter what, in whatever situation- it applies to everything. They’re values that you ideally want to live by in any situation as a mother and in all of life, no matter what.
It’s what you want to be known by as a person when you die, who you want to be known as. That is a really powerful way to discover your own touchstones, to ask yourself-
“When I’ve died, if someone had to sum up who I was in three or four words, what would I want them to say? What would I want to be known for? Who would I want to be remembered as?”
Your answers to these questions are the guiding values, the touchstones that you most want to share with your children and that you most want to show up as a mother with.
When you’re unsure on which way to go in a situation, you can recall your touchstones and they can provide the way forwards for you, they can be your beacon, your guiding light.
For example, mine (Kaya) are to be truthful, to be authentic, to be loving (to be in love with life), and to be living in an alive way (to really fully feel alive).
Just those words, truthful, authentic, loving and alive. They are my touchstones. I want to remember them, in any moment. I put them on my phone as an alarm, and I write them in places, then I can sit with each word and ask myself-
How loving am I being to myself right now?
How loving am I being to this person in front of me right now?
I can check in with how in alignment I am with that value... and that brings me more into alignment with it.
Make sure you check in with how in alignment you’re being on that value BOTH in relation to yourself AND to another (your children/ partner/ the person in front of you).
How in alignment am with this value internally- how am I giving this to myself?
AND how am I giving this out to the world?
So right now, ask yourself that question-
When I have died, what are the three to five words that I want to be remembered by, that I want to be most known for, that I want people to say that I was- that I lived in these ways?
And connect with those words, your values, your touchstones.
Make it a practice this week or this day to speak them, stick them on your phone, tell your children and your partner what they are... and keep recalling them, keep coming back to them.
Ask yourself
Am I being this for myself?
Am I being this for the person in front of me?
How in alignment with this value am I right now?
Ask yourself those questions throughout the day, in the moment...
which is where it all happens :-)
And thats all you need to do. There are plenty of other ways to come back into alignment with your truth but having these core touchstones is so simple.
Until next time, enjoy!
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.