connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting inner truth intuition self care May 31, 2021
and you can only unconditionally love yourself to the level with which you have embraced and loved ALL of yourself.
All of yourself includes those bits that you wish to God weren’t a part of you. Perhaps you think you have a terrible temper, you yell too much, you're lazy, you’re impatient, you're not present enough with your children, you're disorganised….
You aren’t really creating a full expression of self-love if you are still hiding parts of yourself, wishing desperately they would just go away and you could “work on yourself” enough to eradicate them.
Sure, I get that you want to create transformation and change. I understand that you want to grow and show up as the mother you most want to be…
AND the fastest, most powerful way to do that is NOT through trying to eradicate pieces of yourself.
The fastest, most powerful path to feeling like you are fully living as the mother you most want be, is to step into the highest level of love that you can and that starts with SELF-love
... and if you really want to do that properly (and not just hang around on the surface, thinking having a bubble bath and some chocolate is enough) then you NEED to EMBRACE, and INTEGRATE (not eradicate and destroy) ALL of you.
Ironically it is through this process of embracing, and integrating that you come into understanding, into deep relationship with these parts of yourself, and through that process it is ONLY THEN that the unhealthy expression (which is what you really wish would go away)... goes away.
It goes away because that part of you, the angry part, the lazy part, the impatient part, the neglectful part… whatever it is...
was embraced, heard and given the space to transform and rise into ITS HIGHEST EXPRESSION in service to YOU.
That is the most powerful, radical and transformational path to creating the changes you want to see in how you are showing up as a mother AND how you are internally experiencing motherhood and its responsibilities.
AND THESE are the transformations that ripple out across your family, all your relationships, your children and into every area of your life.
If you're ready to truly love all of you, then join us for the Happy Whole Mother Masterclass (link below), a FREE, value packed training to step out of stuckness, shame & fears that your baggage is damaging your children and step into a healthy whole mother who parents from her greatest light.
All our love
Lisa and Kaya.
All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.