connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting inner truth intuition self care May 31, 2021
I was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of wine, talking to my husband at the end of a long and super full week.
I felt that sigh of relief in my body, I made it, I got through it, and I got it all done!!
Here I was in a place that felt like I had some space, some more room…..
and my mind just jumped straight into what next? …
What did the kids need?
Should we offer them another sleepover here with friends?
Should we take on another project?
Should I prioritise revamping the studio?
and I suddenly realised how easy it is to get addicted to FULL, and BUSY
and actually feel uncomfortable, strange and foreign in that sense of spacious...
that SPACE that honestly, we pretty much all YEARN FOR!
Yep weird, I know!
We are so busy, we feel overwhelmed by our to-do lists, our responsibilities and our lives , we crave more space, more time to just sit and be without an urgent task….
AND yet we have actually trained our bodies to feel that rushed, overwhelmed, jam packed fullness as productive…
and in the process, we have trained our bodies to feel that as the norm, so ironically when we do have space...
we quickly fill it with something more!
Can you relate????
You crave more space, you can barely squash the responsibilities and priorities of your life into the week.
Some weeks are overwhelming, with to-do list items constantly crashing into you as they rage by on a current of stress that constantly moves through your life.
There’s no room for you, for meaning, for colour, no space…. for bloody anything but just keeping all the balls juggling.
and yet those tiny moments of space,
the ones that can come past so fast you barely notice them…
in those moments you feel strangely unsettled, wrong... even, guilty.
Its so fleeting, you might barely notice it before your mind jumps in to fix the problem and fill everything back up to the brim.
What really? Are you kidding me?
I am craving feeling more spacious and less busy...
and you’re telling me I’m somehow addicted to busy?!
Yep. messed up huh? ;).
But luckily its totally fixable and you so aren’t alone.
As busy working mothers running a home, raising children, earning income (busy in your biz or career), being a partner, a friend, contributing in the community, and all the other roles you have...
we need to take a good look at how we are doing it all.
Because we can actually fulfil all our roles in a way that feels good to us…
and isn’t slowing sucking the life out of us.
But we need to do it differently…
and just one of those pieces of doing it differently is...
we need to stage an intervention on our addiction to seam busting schedules! :).
From one busy working mother to another...
you can “have it all” and "do it all" without losing yourself, your joy and your sanity, but you do need to do it a lot differently.
You need to be laser clear on what is really, truly important to you... to the point where you can use it as a guidance system.
You need to have boundaries that you can express with confidence and love.
You need to be conscious of the internal stories that are driving you and you need to heal them.
You need to alchemize your relationship with time
and you need to learn what balance really is and how to create it- moment to moment, day to day.
If you’re serious about getting out of crazy overload and ridiculous chaotic busy-ness
(that's frankly driving you crazy and having you show up for your children and the world in ways that make you cringe)
- then its time for a change.
It can be different!
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All Topics conflict resolution connection parenting conscious communication conscious parenting feminine energy flow parenting giving effective feedback holding space inner truth intuition mediating peace partnership ritual self care sisterhood speaking your truth stand in the fire of authenticity video videom vulnerability and deep honesty.